These are some of the cut scenes from the first and second movie. I found this old recording I had of a special on HBO, the tape was very old so these vid-caps are fuzzy. Sorry about that :-(

Sigourney Weaver's screen test

Ripley's screen test

Ripley holding a cheesy gun in her screen test

Another screen test shot

I'm not sure what this is, but it's not in the movie

Ripley walking to the screen in a screen test

One of the cut scenes from Alien

Ripley looking at Brett

Brett goo

Brett in the Egg

Brett with maggots on his head

Dallas embeded into the wall

Ripley getting ready to torch Brett and Dallas

Ripley torching Brett and Dallas

These are some of the cut scenes from Aliens

ATV Aliens shot

2nd ATV Aliens shot

The Jorden family driving to the Derelict

Timmy and Newt sitting in the ATV

The ATV driving up to the Derelict (very fuzzy)

Newt sees her dad with a hugger on him

Newt's dad attacked by a hugger

Ripley waiting in the lounge at gateway station med-lab

Ripley looks at a photo of her dead child

Ripley's very old child

Sentry guns

Sentry gun laptop controll screen

Cut scene just before Ripley tells Hicks her first name (very fuzzy)

Ellen Ripley giving her name to Hicks (very fuzzy)

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